Monday, January 21, 2019

Spring Semester Week 3- January 24,2019 Acids, Bases, and Salts

This upcoming week

This week we will learning about acids and bases. We will learn what acids and bases are, what properties are associated with acids and bases, and what is produced in a neutralization reaction when acids and bases are reacted together. Additionally, we will be using red cabbage indicator to identify common household acids and bases and defining their strength based on the pH scale. 
Below are the notes for this week as well as an introductory video:

During class students used cabbage juice indicator to identify whether common household items were acids and bases. The cabbage juice indicator changed the household items to various shades of pink and green. We discovered that chemicals that resulted in pink/red colors were acids and chemicals that turned blue/green/purple were bases. 

Next, we used pH paper to test a second set of the same household items in order to assign a pH number on the pH scale to each item. Finally, we developed a pH scale of common household items that we placed in our interactive notebook. We also identified strong acids/bases and weak acids/bases.
Below is the link to the graphic organizer:
pH Scale Graphic Organizer

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