In our previous class, we watched an introductory graphing video, practiced creating bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, and discussed how graphs are useful in displaying experimental data in a meaningful way.
This week, we started the class with a quick quiz covering laboratory equipment and the scientific method. Then, we watched another video that specifically covered how to make line graphs.
It was then time for the kids to practice graphing experimental data with a partner. The students paired up and each group was given a different table of experimental data where they had to identify the independent variable and dependent variable, determine which variable went on which axis, and determine the scale they would use to graph the data on poster board.
While I thought the kids would balk at this assignment, it proved to be really beneficial. It helped all of to close up some gaps when it came to understanding how to apply experimental variables and it gave them some practice graphing and interaction with a new classmate!
We have some work to do when it comes to aesthetics, but I was pleased that their graphs corresponded to my key! At the end of class, I passed out hard copies of the homework sheet they are supposed to complete after watching the videos below that discuss the Metric System and how to convert within the Metric System.
Once students watch both videos (they can watch 1 video one day and the other video another day), they have been given a worksheet to practice converting within the metric system. Here is a link to the worksheet below:
Finally, students will need to take notes in their interactive notebook regarding SI Units. The notes are below:
one page of notes |