Sunday, August 26, 2018

Week 3 August 23 Class-Graphing Activity and Intro to SI Measurements

This week was a continuation of what I like to call the Nature of Science. This month is critical because I cover basic skills that my students will use throughout this class and all future science classes. While this first month may not be as entertaining, it is extremely important! 

In our previous class, we watched an introductory graphing video, practiced creating bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, and discussed how graphs are useful in displaying experimental data in a meaningful way. 

This week, we started the class with a quick quiz covering laboratory equipment and the scientific method. Then, we watched another video that specifically covered how to make line graphs.

It was then time for the kids to practice graphing experimental data with a partner. The students paired up and each group was given a different table of experimental data where they had to identify the independent variable and dependent variable, determine which variable went on which axis, and determine the scale they would use to graph the data on poster board. 

While I thought the kids would balk at this assignment, it proved to be really beneficial. It helped all of to close up some gaps when it came to understanding how to apply experimental variables and it gave them some practice graphing and interaction with a new classmate!

We have some work to do when it comes to aesthetics, but I was pleased that their graphs corresponded to my key! At the end of class, I passed out hard copies of the homework sheet they are supposed to complete after watching the videos below that discuss the Metric System and how to convert within the Metric System.

Once students watch both videos (they can watch 1 video one day and the other video another day), they have been given a worksheet to practice converting within the metric system. Here is a link to the worksheet below:

Finally, students will need to take notes in their interactive notebook regarding SI Units. The notes are below:
one page of notes

second page of notes. students should leave this blank except for question at the top in order to glue a graphic

This week we will go cover SI measurements by student rotating to measurement stations and taking measurements using the SI system. We will then practice converting between units within the metric system. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Week 2 - August 16 Class Graphing Skills and Experimental Variables

This week we covered a lot of ground and built upon what we learned last week regarding the scientific method. We began the class with a Write The Room assignment. Everyone picked up a worksheet and identified the pieces of lab equipment displayed in pictures posted around the room. I promised the class a lab equipment quiz this Thursday, but the key to the test is to review the slides linked below:

We also viewed a funny video on lab safety and I provided the answers to the lab safety worksheet they were given as homework last week. It was corny, but cute!

Next, we reviewed the scientific method while completing our interactive notebook pages for the scientific method. We watched another video clip that reviewed experimental variables. We  discussed independent variables and dependent variables and how the data from these two variables can be displayed graphically using three different kinds of graphs--i.e. bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs.

I was excited to see how quickly the students were able to apply the definitions for independent and dependent variables to simple descriptions of lab experiments.  Next, it was time to practice graphing sample data as a class in order to determine which type of graph fit the data tables given. What was nice about this exercise is that in completing it, we finished one page of our interactive notebook!
This is the page they need to complete for homework!!

Interactive Notebook Page we completed in class

Next Week:
Now that we have reviewed experimental variables and how to graph, students will be given sample lab data and work together with a partner to graph their data on poster board which they will present to the class. 

If we have time, students will also be introduced to making basic measurements, the SI Units, and how to convert within the metric system. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Week 1-Aug. 9 Class of Physical Science Class

The first week of class has come and gone and I am taking a long sigh of relief! Having previously taught public school and having only 50 minutes to teach, I worried about the hour and a half time slot and not being able to fill the time meaningfully. Boy, was I worrying needlessly! By the time 4 p.m arrived I was cringing that I needed an additional 30 minutes at least! 

This week I introduced students to our unit covering the Nature of Science starting with The Scientific Method. We watched a video clip from the t.v. show The Big Bang Theory that gave us a general overview of how we use the scientific method every day of our lives without always being aware of it.  

We also watched a video clip from The Teacher's Pet which gave a general overview of the steps of the Scientific Method and how those steps are used in every day life.

Once students gained some insight into the Scientific Method, it was their turn to use it in our Skittles Lab. In this lab we set out to determine if the Skittles packaging which purports to weigh 61.5 g and contain 65 Skittles per packet was 100% accurate. Each group was given a package of Skittles to weigh using the Triple Beam Balance and to count the Skittles. The mass of each group's package and Skittle count was averaged and determined to not be completely accurate. We explored reasons that the numbers deviated from values shown on the side of the packaging and discussed potential sources of error such as problems with our Triple Beam's calibration and/or variations in the size of each individual Skittle. 

Homework for this week:

For homework, students are to finish answering the discussion questions on the first page of the Skittles Lab handout. Additionally, students need to finish writing out the notes from the lesson in their composition book. The notes as well as how their notebook page should look when finished can be found at the link below:

Students should watch the short video regarding Lab Equipment shown below:

and print and complete the worksheets found at the link below:
I'm looking forward to week 2 of our Physical Science class!